Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Biomedica 2024 CBEB2024

Short Bio

Franco Simini

Universidad de la República – Uruguay

Franco Simini is Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Medical Informatics, Universidad de la República, Uruguay, where he founded the Núcleo de Ingeniería Biomédica, a Department of both the Medical and Engineering Faculties. Active in Technology Transfer, Prof. Simini directed theses, created courses, wrote peer reviewed publications, books and patents. Biomechanics, impedance tomography, intra-abdominal pressure reduction and medical informatics are among his research areas. Prof. Simini was elected Outstanding Engineer in Uruguay 2022. Co-founder of University´s Espacio Interdisciplinario, IEEE Senior Member Prof. Simini is active in University government and outreach, chaired CLABIO2015, SABI2020 congresses and organizes 3DAHM2024 in Uruguay.

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