Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Biomedica 2024 CBEB2024

Short Bio

Newton Faria

Cornell University, USA

Newton has been dedicated to the mission of “Empowering engineers and scientists with knowledge and tools to drive productivity, innovation, and breakthroughs in the healthcare field.” In his various roles, he has contributed significantly to the advancement of professional graduate education and the catalyzation of research, development, and implementation of cutting-edge medical technologies in the pharmaceutical, biologics, and medical devices industries. As a Professor of Practice and the Director of the Master of Engineering Program at Cornell Biomedical Engineering, he assumes the responsibility of devising and implementing a forward-thinking program. Newton has developed a well-balanced and needs-based curriculum to ensure that students are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge for a successful career. Additionally, he has introduced new courses, managed human and physical resources effectively, and created industry-like environments within an academic setting. These infrastructures and processes offer students valuable hands-on experiential learning opportunities.

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