JWBE 2024 – Joint Workshop on Biomedical Engineering UFABC-UNIFESP

The JWBE – Joint Workshop on Biomedical Engineering Workshop UFABC-UNIFESP is an event promoted by the Graduate Programs in Biomedical Engineering at UFABC and at UNIFESP and aims to disseminate advanced knowledge related to Biomedical Engineering to undergraduate and graduate students, as well as professors, who work both in the area of Biomedical Engineering and in related areas.

It is an open event, aimed at undergraduate and graduate students, as well as professors, researchers and non-academics interested in Biomedical Engineering and its different sub-areas, not only from UFABC or UNIFESP, but from all Brazilian and foreign teaching and research institutions.

For this, it will feature lectures by Brazilian and foreign guests, who will address modern topics related to the Biomedical Engineering.

The event will be held completely online, which will facilitate the community’s access to all its content, completely free of charge. Subscribers will be able to interact with the invited speakers, as well as with the other participants, which will allow not only to gain knowledge, but also to form the networking that is so necessary in today’s time. Also, participants who present their work will be running for prizes, depending on the type of presentation.

Participants will be able to sign up as listeners, or as work presenters. Selected papers will be published in the Annals of JWEB 2024, which will have an institutional ISBN.

For those unable to participate in the event, we inform you that the lectures and papers presented will be available on the PPGEBM-UFABC YouTube channel, which makes it possible to view and disseminate further knowledge at no cost.

Therefore, we invite todoone to participate in this event, and to contribute so that Brazilian Biomedical Engineering has its deserved highlight in terms of innovation, accessibility, seriousness and competence.

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